Notice: Undefined variable: includepath in /home/users/1/smplsmplsdsn/web/simplesimples/simplesimples.allinthemind/sample10/hack.html on line 35

What day of the month is it today?
today is ...


So, how many 89s do you know ?

under IE6
* html #hack{color:blue;}
*:first-child+html #hack{color:blue;}
*+html #hack{color:blue;}
IE6, IE7
IE7, IE8
except IE6
except IE6 and IE7
html>/**/body #hack{color:blue;}
except IE6,IE7 and IE8
:root *> #hack{color:blue;}
#hack, x:-moz-any-link{color:blue;}
Firefox 3.0 or more
#hack, x:-moz-any-link, x:default{color:blue;}
Safari 2-3
html[xmlns*=""] body:last-child #hack{color:blue;}
Safari 2 – 3.1
html[xmlns*=""]:root #hack{color:blue;}
Safari 2 – 3.1, Opera 9.25
*|html[xmlns*=""] #hack{color:blue;}
Safari 3 or more, Chrome
@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {
Safari 3 or more, Chrome, Opera 9 or more, Firefox 3.5 or more
body:nth-of-type(1) #hack{color:blue;}
body:first-of-type #hack{color:blue;}
Opera 9.25 or more
;;body #hack{color:blue;}
html:\66irst-child #hack{color:blue;}
except Opera 8 and Opera 9
body[class|="hypen-ated"] #hack{color:blue;}

Well, I ... I only know "Star hack"...

Star 89... only...
Yes! Yes! Yes!
It's gonna be OK!!!